👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 So looking forward to part 2. This piece reminded me of the book The Better Half by Sharon Moalem, in which he goes into detail all the ways that women are biologically and immunologically superior to men, specially because the Y chromosome is mostly dedicated to sperm production! So the male relies on his X chromosome for literally everything else.

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Oh my gosh! Googling that book as we speak! I promised I won’t buy any new books until January haha! You’re killing me here as that book sounds like a must read for me!

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🤣🤣 Didn’t mean to feed the addiction, but hey maybe it will be on sale for Christmas! That’s close enough to January, right? Lol

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Hahaha well I looked and it’s reasonably priced but won’t ship until January! Damn it! The universe is conspiring to keep me to my promise ! So it’s forcing me to wait until January to then order it haha

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This is so interesting and the way you explained the scientific context was fun and easy to understand! I love that you mentioned Demeter and Persephone. Can't wait for Part 2!

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Thank you! Was hoping the science stuff wasn’t too boring to connect to mythology and symbolism but I think it will give credit to the potentiality of virgin birth

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Gurrrl, this was SO good!! I can’t wait for Part 2!!! 😆

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P.S. If you haven’t come across her work, I was reading one of Marguerite Rigoglioso’s books “The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception” and it was pretty good, but i still have to finish it. Here’s a link to an interview she did. There’s probably newer stuff out there, but this is the one i watched a good year and a half ago.


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Aww thank you! Yes! When I found her first book, I started to follow her YouTube channel and listen to her other interviews however I detected a change in her from her earlier work and I’m not so sure I completely align to her nowadays but I am still open to listening to her as there are always some takeaways from it

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a lot of interesting stuff woven together here, really enjoyed it

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Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed my ramble hoping to piece together and hopefully make some feasible connections

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I recommend you listen to or read Den Poitras: https://veritasproject.com/guests/2022/10oct/VS-221006-dpoitras.php , who wrote a book about this. From his account, parthenogenesis is not rare. He met a woman who claims she gave birth asexually.

The XX vs XY implies that males are the short-changed sex!

I took a course with David Crews, who is an expert on parthenogenesis, such as with garter snakes.

Here is the alternate take from Godfrey Higgins, like Adam's rib, from one of my Anacalypsis articles:

"Prometheus formed the first woman, for the formation of whom he stole fire from heaven, &c., &c. The word Prometheus is the Sanscrit word PRAMIATHAH or PRAMATHAS, which comes from PRA-MAT'HA-ISA, which coalescing, according to the rules of Sanscrit grammar, form PRAMATHESA. Now, Pra is the Siamese Bra, creator or former ; Matha is Mati, in the Bali language Mother, and esa is Isa or Iscah or Eve or Isis- the whole meaning, maker of mother Eve or Isis . It is no small confirmation of what I have said, that Prometheus, the name of the Greek God, is Sanscrit ; as is also Deucalion, his son . The latter is Deo-cala-yun or Deo-Cala-Yavana . There is an account of his contest with Cristna, who was driven from Mathura by him, but by whom he was at last, with his Ya-vanas, finally expelled from India ."

And Kemetic mythology tells of Atum, with his masculine, creative energy, masturbating other gods into existence. I'm sure there are other similar mythologies.

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Ok I just checked out the link to Den’s work and yes I recall coming across his book on Amazon but I didn’t bother to buy it as I went with Rigoliosos’s two books on the subject as I felt his book might have been a repetition of her work but not as densely researched as her work, going off the pages alone she has in her two books on the subject and I see from his bio on Veritas that he actually discovered her books and met her in person and published after her dissertations

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oh ok. His interview on Veritas was good I thought. Looking forward to your part 2!

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Oh wow! I should have known you had some sources about this! I found it so hard to find much about parthenogenesis and a lot of the academic research papers were behind paid walls or extremely expensive books published on the matter! Feels like they want to keep it inaccessible to me! I’m go. A check out that book link! Thank you! And yeah I do believe it’s possible and more common than we think

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yep, what do they have to hide!

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I’m looking forward to reading it!

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Yay! Hope you like part 1 and not as boring haha

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I hadn’t given the virgin birth much of my attention but this was interesting and I very much enjoyed it 😊

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Yay! Thank you! Glad it wasn’t too dense with the biology

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Nope, not too dense at all with the biology! ☺️

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Phew! Cause biology was one science I didn’t study in high school, only chemistry

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